You teach them

to become all they can be

So who takes care of you? ...We do!

what we do

As experienced homeschool moms, we give you all the tools you need to make homeschooling easy and stress-free. We provide the recipe, ingredients, and instructions for a successful homeschool life. We help with planning and teaching so you can enjoy more peaceful, happy days with your kids.

Our Services

Social Network For Homeschoolers

Every child deserves a friend, but finding one can be challenging when homeschooling. That's why we've created a safe space where our children can connect, learn, and grow together, all under the attentive guidance of their mothers.


All in One Program

You don't have to do it all by yourself. Entrust your child’s education to our leading homeschool programs, freeing you to focus on what you do best—being a mom.

How it works

Signing up is super easy—just a few clicks and you're on your way to a stress-free homeschooling journey for your whole family!

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


why choose us

Welcome to a place where homeschooling meets harmony. As a mom who has homeschooled five children over the past 20 years, I know all too well the stress that comes without the right tools or a solid plan. That’s exactly why I founded this My Homeschool Village—to help families like yours find the perfect balance between home life and schooling.

Navigating curriculum choices and daily plans can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to go it alone. Let me take the stress off your shoulders. Our resources are crafted to transform your homeschooling experience from chaos to freedom, enabling you to truly enjoy time with your children, reconnect with your spouse, and breathe new life into your daily routine.

Consider this a personal invitation to join us and rediscover the joy of homeschooling within a supportive community that’s dedicated to helping you thrive. Let’s make these homeschooling years the best they can be—for you and your family!

Homeschool mom and coach Becky ready to help you homeschool


Kid tested, Mother Approved

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I love this group so much even though I have only been here a short time. I was ready to give up on homeschooling for the next year. I was stressed, overwhelmed, and unhappy with the looming decision on my hands. I joined in on one Tuesday live with Rebecca and the Lord spoke through her to me in just the right way! She encouraged me and reiterated to me that homeschool doesn't have to be a grueling 8 hour day cramming knowledge into my little one's heads. She walked me through how I can be more flexible and find fun ways to educate while keeping my sanity. She even gave me an example of a productive school week schedule, something that I just was not able to figure out last year. Thank you to both of the beautiful women who have come together to create this group. God is moving through you and you drive and passion shows! ❤️

We LOVE both apps so much! Guided access and we end homeschool with starfall most days. My 5 year old LOVES it!! She even chooses to use both during her free screen time! 🥳🥳🥳


God definitely brought me here to meet these ladies. I was at my Whitts end with homeschooling and ready to give up and I couldn't be more thankful for this community


I cannot thank you enough for compiling and organizing all this! We are having a BLAST exploring everything! This is AMAZING!

Yenni Arana
Yenni Arana

Wow I'm reading your book and it is so good, its like having a conversation with a good friend that's telling you about her life and experiences, it is so inspiring and I'm not done reading yet. I have questioned myself not God, about my purpose for a long time, I was telling my husband the other day that I wish I could only try one thing and do it great, that way I would know what I'm suppose to focus on, but I have tried many things from making jewelry, crafts, sawing and even baking and I'm not an expert at them, but although I enjoyed them all I didn't really love or felt passionate at any of them (except maybe baking a little I love making my kids cakes now) but after reading the part that said that we have been called by God to educate our kids His way I felt that in my soul. Am I ready to do it? probably not but I feel really inspired and I feel like I'm finally on the right path. I see a lot of praying and learning ahead of me but I'm grateful and excited to walk this path knowing that there are people like you to help me and especially God to guide me, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Nicole Macias
Nicole Macias

My name is Nicole Macias, and I can't recommend this planner enough!!  I ordered it for myself, but I'm also using it for my 11 and 15 year olds as well.  My 15 year old daughter uses it, primarily for us to track our summer homeschool, but she mentioned that she would like to use the pages to design her own planner to use at the high school this upcoming year.  My 11 year old son uses it, again to track summer homeschool, but also to help him develop some of his executive function skills.  I use it to keep track of my multiple businesses as well as run my home as efficiently as possible.  Rebecca has designed something that works well for all of us, and I can't thank her or recommend her work enough!!

Cecilia Harding
Cecilia Harding

I was rewatching all your videos on the website and just wanted to let you know I could just sit and talk to you about homeschool all day and soak up all your wisdom


I have watched almost all the videos and tutorials! They are SO helpful. These ladies KNOW what they are doing. This program spells RELIEF!


This is what I've been searching for forever! I know now that I can do this and there's people out there who are like me! I feel like I've found home!


I had never even considered homeschool before because I didnt think i was qualified. Boy was I WRONG! I saw how quickly our two oldest were picking up concepts and realized conventional schooling was holding them back. I started this journey alone not knowing what i was doing and only having my mothers guidance. For 2 years I have searched for the right community of like minded women who believed it was their duty to educate their children themselves. But i was looking in all the wrong places! Facebook groups, local coops that had no concept for special needs and no patience for it, etc. No one understood our unique little family or our needs. Finally I saw an ad on facebook for a completely unique and adaptable online coop type community! I knew the minute i saw rebecca that she was a kindred spirit! i am!


last year we where were you are now and she hated school and was depressed. Now she wakes up asking what is she going to learn today. I let her pick her topics as she goes on IXL and most of the time she asked to go to the library so she can get books. She hated writing now is talking about writing a novel. So if you have any questions ask away.

Amber T
Amber T

I’m so happy that I discovered this group (My Homeschool Village). I wish I discovered this group sooner, but happy I have now. My kids are also loving the lessons provided in this group.

Audra King
Audra King

We are really loving this group. It has made homeschooling fun again...for all of us!


I am just here to say how much I love this group! Thank you so much for setting this all up! We all love it! Even my three year old is getting more involved and is learning so much! She feels so big doing school work with her siblings!


You guys giving answers like that gives me more confidence, reassurance, and helps my anxiety with it all. So seriously, thank you guys for absolutely every single thing 🥹😭❤️



I am so proud of the progress we have made since we started MHSV. I LOVE YOU GUYS! Thanks for believing in me and helping me empower my kids!


You guys are literally a God-send! This is so amazing how you all walk us through and provide somewhat of a concierge like experience. Thank you so much! I will reference these messages when I begin going through everything. Thanks!


thank you very much for being our everything in this journey of homeschooling and giving us all our freedom in learning and creating a better world for others as well... We solely appreciate you all so much!


I wanted to tell you thank you, for being my homeschool cheerleader.  I want to let you know that we had our last court day last week and the judge closed the case.  So from here on out he can not take me back to court about homeschooling.  Plus Ben we have been deschooling to help him grow confidence since being bullied at school and yesterday he look at me and say I am a genius.  It made me feel so good that he now sees hisself as smart.   So just know what you and Heather are doing with My Homeschool Village is really paying off, I know sometimes the crazy of the business gets in the way but know y’all are making a difference in the homeschool community.

Trish Saxby
Trish Saxby

Thank you for being Raw and Authentic... Thank you for sharing your knowledge, experiences, faith, beliefs, and encouragement to others! You, and all the wonderful individuals that have a hand in getting MHSV to this platform, are such an inspiration! It's been an incredible ride so far just in the 5 months that I've been with you! I've enjoyed interacting and watching all the changes taking place and that passion that you all put into making MHSV the perfect place to unite. My son and I are both enjoying navigating through the lessons on Not only is this so helpful to his studies, but also for mine as I venture out to further my studies in obtaining my associates degree in Radiologic Technology. We are literally learning together! 

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