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I got to learn -where the wild things grow - BarefootChild



Not only do we love bringing you affordable learning resources, we also love creating you educational freebies. Head over to our 2 freebie pages - our featured freebies page is where you will find all our current and new freebies and our other freebie page is our freebies from last year-  Join our email list to be the first to know of new additions, get exclusive email only freebies monthly and we will let you know of great new affordable and free nature inspired learning resources we find and love.


Summer mega bundle
is out now-only $25!!

 Our Summer Mega Bundle is out now and only available until 9-6.It contains around 2,900 pages of curated educational content,created by 35 mummas. It has over 50 summer themed study packs, valued at $700 yours for only $25 only.BUT WAIT THERES MORE.....

We here at BarefootChild are giving everyone who purchases the SUMMER MEGA BUNDLE from our link only, 9 of our learning packs for FREE, the learning packs you can get are listed here . 

We will send your email you brought the summer mega bundle with a unique coupon to purchase these 9 bundles FOR FREE, within 24 hours of your mega bundle purchase. (please check your spam folder for email aswell) plus everyone order number will go in the draw to win our 2x BarefootChild lifecycle specimens ( 1 winner will be randomly chosen and announced via our email newsletter plus a private email THE DAY AFTER the sale ends.)

Head over now to grab your summer mega bundle and get your bonus's.

our bonuss.jpg

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Read the blog


Shop nature studies from harbour & spout

Teach your little wildling everything from outdoor survival skills, forestry, oceanography, nature handicrafts, to homesteading and sustainable living and so much more with harbour and sprouts nature units. Use code BarefootChild at checkout to save 10% off.

If you like freebies, I know I do, then don't forget to checkout Harbour and sprouts freebie page

Affiliate and advertisements used on this blog


Natural Learning Blog

Slow down this year and embrace natural learning with your child. Not sure what exactly natural learning or unschooling means ? Don't worry we have put together guides and resources.YOU CAN EVEN VIEW OUR GOVERNMENT APPROVED UNSCHOOLING REPORTS AND PLANS


Find out more

At BarefootChild,we have you covered, whether you are wanting to start your home-schooling journey in Australia and need helpful resources, wanting to find out more information on natural parenting or looking for a great nature dedicated community, we have the answers.

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