Fraud Blocker Wix Web Design and SEO Agency Experts | Slaterock Automation
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Ai Driven Digital Marketing Agency for SMBs

Transform your online presence with our SEO, PPC, and web design solutions.

Slaterock Automation Ai Focused digital marketing and web design services
Top Digital Marketing Agency from
Wix Legend Partner Certification for Slaterock Automation
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Run a free website audit and get a discovery call

✔ Build your online presence with our custom web design

✔ Expand your reach with SEO and PPC

✔ Simplify operations with the power of automation

📝 "I couldn't be happier with our website results" | Cissy Garcia, CCPD

Your Search for an Wix SEM Agency Ends Here

Learn why small and medium size businesses trust Slaterock Automation  with their online growth

Use Our Tech to Power Your Business

At Slaterock Automation, we leverage our proprietary technology to power our clients' businesses and deliver exceptional results, specially for our Wix clients.


Our cutting-edge solutions and personalized approach to digital marketing ensure that each of our clients receives a tailored experience that drives growth and success.

Website SEO Audit Example 2

Start earning more revenue from your online presence

Slaterock automation SEO website analytics chart

Our Ai-focused digital marketing process helps your business get found online 

We utilize our tools and unique process to create content that is designed to thrive in search results yet scale across social and outreach platforms.


This allows us to drive more potential customers to your website while nurturing leads through informational-based content marketing.


Having great, SEO-optimized content is one thing; where it goes and how it's distributed is another. 

What Are You Struggling With?

Whether it's generating leads, increasing website traffic, or improving your online presence, understanding what you're struggling with is the first step in finding a solution, both for our Wix and Non-Wix clients.


At Slaterock Automation, we understand that every business is unique and has its own set of challenges, which is why we take the time to listen to your specific needs and develop a customized solution to help you overcome your challenges and reach your goals.

My website isn't getting enough traffic

Poor search engine optimization (SEO) or a lack of SEO can prevent your website from appearing on the first page of search results, leading to limited organic traffic and visibility.

  • Improve your technical SEO

  • Create keyword-rich content designed to rank

  • Promote your site on social media

  • Run direct email marketing campaigns

We aren't effectively managing our leads 

It's important to have a centralized system for storing and organizing your leads' information, as well as tracking and nurturing their journey through the sales funnel. Streamline lead management by automating lead capture, distribution, and follow-up processes.

  • Implement a CRM system

  • Segment your leads

  • Automate the nurturing process

  • Track and analyze data

My Ads aren't working, and the cost is too high

We can help decrease your cost per lead and make your ad campaign more effective by utilizing data-driven insights and advanced targeting strategies.

  • Conduct market research 

  • Utilize advanced targeting strategies

  • Monitor and adjust ad spend

  • Optimize your copy and creatives

We need to create content to grow an audience 

Creating content for your website helps establish you as a valuable resource in your industry, attracting more organic traffic that would ideally turn into customers, and improving your website's visibility on search engines so more people can find your business online.

  • Establish your website as a valuable source

  • Obtain more organic customers to your site

  • Improves visibility in search engines

  • Builds trust with potential customers

Navigating the Digital Landscape

In today's digital world, attracting attention to your business can feel like an uphill battle. With countless competitors vying for the same audience, distinguishing yourself is crucial.

Consider this: thousands of businesses just like yours are also investing in SEO, PPC, and web design. Yet, many still struggle with low traffic and poor conversion rates, wasting precious resources.

We leverage AI to create personalized, results-oriented strategies, targeting enhanced online visibility, increased website traffic, and improved conversion rates. With us, you transform visitors into engaged customers and make your mark in the digital landscape.

The Latest from Slaterock Automation

We create functional and accessible works of art that work for your business and not the other way around using Wix. We know that the web design process is difficult and frustrating, our AI-powered, software assists us in creating a beautiful website that's perfect for conversion.

Powered by Wix Classic and Studio Editor

Want to keep your site ranking? Our SEO package will help you get started. It includes basic SEO measures like meta tags and descriptions and visitor tracking to help you understand what your visitors want. This is a great way to give your site a boost and start learning how to rank it for the keywords that matter.

Custom content marketing technology

Get your customers to convert without having to spend hours on outreach. Automated Outreach is the smartest email/text campaign automation software in the market. Get rid of all human interactions with your customer and cement relationships with our AI-based software. 

Enhanced by our fraud blocking tech

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Trusted By these amazing partners & more

Rejuvi Venture trusted by Slaterock Automation
Corpus Christi Police Foundation trusted by Slaterock Automation
Le Village Co Work Logo
Revonary tax Accountants trusted by Slaterock Automation

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing a business's digital assets to show higher in search results for keywords that relate to their business or organization.

Ai SEO is a practice of utilizing artificial intelligence in search engine optimization (SEO) to yield better results in a shorter period of time by completing extensive research on massive amounts of search engine result page analysis.

Our Professional SEO Specialists are experts with Wix, WordPress, Shopify, and Squarespace sites.

Slaterock Automation SEO Analytics Chart

Slaterock Automation Continues to build tools to help our customers better understand their website's SEO

We're proud of our SEO Audit Tool and Accessibility Audit  Tool that will help you understand your current SEO and Accessibility status. Check our our other tools below

SEO cost calculator
SEO Cost Calculator
Website Page Audit Tool
website design cost calculator
Domain analysis tool
digital marketing cost calculator
Find the Right SEO Plan Image

Our Previous Projects

Corpus Christi Police Foundation

Corpus Christi Police Foundation

The Corpus Christie Police Foundation has chosen Slaterock as their website designer and digital marketing manager providing support with events, sponsorships, and donors. 

"My experience working with William has been absolutely amazing. He is extremely thorough in his request and delivery and completes the job to perfection and, of course, to our satisfaction. I couldn't be happier with our website results. There are not enough stars to rate how satisfied we are with Wix and William.​​"

cissy garcia with slaterock automation

Cissy L. Garcia Executive Director Corpus Christi Police Foundation

Choose Your SEO Plan

Website owners face a lot of problems when it comes to managing their business online. It's one thing to have a nice website that functions well, but it's another to have a website that is easily found by your potential customers. 

Our team has 3 management packages plus a custom option when it comes to managing your website and driving more potential customers to your pages.

Get started today on our basic package for just $499 per month

  • Basic

    Every month
    Start Optimizing your Website
    • 5 Targeted Keywords & Clusters
    • 3 Month Content Map
    • 2 SEO Optimized Blog Posts
    • 1 New Page Optimization
    • Backlink Outreach
    • Custom Dashboard
    • 2 Email Campaigns
    • Email Support
    • Review Mgnt. Software - Lifetime
    • 📢 Ad Mgnt. Service Charge 20%

Get Your Website Ranking for "the best"

One of the most crucial keywords that a website can rank for is "the best ____" in your area. Slaterock has produced multiple articles using this technique to drive hundreds of visitors per month

Why Slaterock Automation?

We manage your business digital marketing from top to bottom

Custom and prebuilt plans for SEO and digital Marketing

Custom & Pre-Built Plans

We offer numerous digital marketing plans including SEO, PPC, and content marketing.

Our team will work closely with you to easily build the most effective pipeline to manage your past, current, and future clients.

SEO Focused Content Marketing

There's more to SEO than setting up a website, and there's more to content marketing than just publishing articles

Monitor the work in real-time

Add comments and ask questions

SEO focused content marketing for businesses of all sizes
Slaterock Automation client relations

Ongoing Support & Optimization

A long-term relationship yields the best results, allowing our team to constantly optimize your campaigns

Brand Awareness

Brand Recognition

Share your story

Build a Community

Our Clients

Why companies use Slaterock Automation

"My experience working with William has been absolutely amazing. He is extremely thorough in his request and delivery and completes the job to perfection and, of course, to our satisfaction. I couldn't be happier with our website results. There are not enough stars to rate how satisfied we are with Wix and William."

cissy garcia with slaterock automation

Cissy L. Garcia Executive Director Corpus Christi Police Foundation

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